
Showing posts from November, 2019

Azure Webjobs and functions explained

Recently I had questions from my customers asking the differences between Azure web jobs VS Functions. At Prometix we have developed numerous Azure based applications and here is my thought. In the early days, Azure was a thin veneer over virtual machines, and since then it has grown to the point where,   you need to choose which service to use to host your code. From virtual machines to Azure Functions, we can tune just how much abstraction there is between our application code and the hardware. This article is about picking between two of the abstractions that run furthest from the hardware: WebJobs and Azure Functions. App Service Let’s start by talking about App Service, which is the technology that underlies both of these offerings. App Service started its life as a way of hosting applications inside of IIS (Internet Information Services) on Windows. The separation between the applications was provided by IIS and, as such, the configurability and isolation of these servi...