Intelligent Information Architecture in SharePoint’s Intranet modern design & architecture
I have heard from almost all customers during the initial discovery stage of the Intranet project highlighting their current Information Architecture issues. You would have heard these words – “Un Manageable, Grown exponentially, inconsistent, unusable”. Working for Prometix as consultant delivery IA in SharePoint and other Office 365 application, here are few pointers to consider & think about. Having a solid information architecture (IA) is an important prerequisite for realizing a well-maintained and well-performing intranet. Good IA helps people find what they need and accomplish the tasks they want to complete – in a way that makes sense to them. A great IA helps improve user adoption, satisfaction, and productivity, reduce IT cost, reduce information overload, and minimize governance compliance and bad information risk. Great IA takes good planning. It requires knowledge of the domain or content, understanding of the customer inner workings, understanding the user an...