Microsoft 365 – ‘Records Management’ solution

Microsoft announced the General Availability of its so-called ‘records management’ solution for Microsoft 365 on 30 April 2020.

The announcement noted that organisation would be able to use the records management solution to:

  • Classify, retain, review, dispose, and manage content without compromising productivity or data security.
  • Leverage machine learning capabilities to identify and classify regulatory, legal, and business critical records at scale.
  • Demonstrate compliance with regulations through defensible audit trails and proof of destruction.

Proposed licensing model

Microsoft have published extensive information in its service description for the Security and Compliance elements of Microsoft 365. It is a good idea to discuss these options with a Microsoft licensing partner.

At a general level, the difference between the ‘information governance’ (E3/E5) and ‘records management’ (E5 only) options are as follows:

  •  Info Governance – ‘Broad policies to catch everything and keep it simple’. According to the service description (link above) this provides for ‘a single organization-wide or location-wide retention policy and/or manual retention labelling’.
  • Records Management (E5) – ‘Deeper dives into classifying content, enforcing particular process and workflows’. According to the service description, this means ‘automatically applying retention labels or policies, starting the retention period of a retention label based on a custom event, triggering a manual disposition review at the end of the label’s retention period, importing third-party data through native data connectors, discovering labelled content and monitoring labelling activity.’ and ‘automatically applying retention labels based on trainable classifiers’.

What is available now?

As a starting point, the new ‘records management’ solution is not a standalone recordkeeping system or application within Microsoft 365, along the lines of an electronic document and records management system (EDRMS).

It is not a place where records are stored. It is one of several options within the Compliance portal.

In summary, the ‘records management’ solution (which is still separate from the ‘information governance’ set of options – see below) is a set of advanced options in Microsoft 365 that allow organisations to:

  • group (‘classify’) records for retention purposes based on several options including search, auto-classification and pre-defined events;
  • allow a review of certain records due for disposal;
  • destroy records; and
  • retain a record of what was destroyed.

Prometix as a Microsoft Gold certified partner and certified O365 consultants (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne & Perth), we have extensive experience in delivering Office 365 based records management solutions. We have also developed toolset that will migrate records from your legacy system to SharePoint without losing the digital continuity. For more information, please contact us from


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